Twyn Product work

Working on an MVP is always exciting, and at Twyn we needed to move fast to prove that our English Language app has market fit. Testing out a range of assumptions in a scrappy fast pace gave space to fail fast but to learn quickly.


UI & UX, Brand strategy, Facilitating Workshops & Documentation.


Product Manager & Front End Developers





With each quarter our business goal was to move the metrics for Acquisition, Activation and Retention. Within the trio we worked in 2 week sprints and heavily prioritised completing 2-3 A/B tests weekly. We on average obtain statistically conclusive results after 5 days. Successful A/B tests are prioritised and productised.


Website optimisation:
SEO, Publishing new articles, user insights to influence emotive language

Discoverability in App stores: Update artwork and UX copy, creating videos, localise languages.

Social Media:
Strategy to grow followers on Instagram & TikTok. Creating more video content, building relationships with language influencers and update in look and feel.

Social media growth by 15%. With a 20% decrease in customer acquisition cost



Hints & Tips:
Helping users complete a conversation by giving prompts.

Improve task UI & UX:
Giving users bite sized information and the opportunity to find a task during the conversation.

Email with grammatical errors corrected.

Fluency score:
Giving users a score based on how they answered questions in a conversation.

60% increase in user retention.



Onboarding experience:
Optimise look and feel and UI elements, number of screens, using emotive language.

Sign up to free trial:
Experiment with a range of explanations, price point and 7 day free trials.

Email sign up:
Update UX copy in ‘Welcome’ email, experiment email subject copy.

24% uplift in user activation


Working agile and lean meant as a team we were able to move quickly and learn fast to hit metric goals.