Songkick - Tourbox

Created in 2007, Tourbox provides a concert listing and management platform. Artist fan bases are notified of upcoming concerts and ticket sales using Sonkick's vast fan database. Tourbox plays a major role in gathering artist data for Songkick’s ecosystem.


User Research, UX/UI, High fidelity Prototyping, Usability Testing, Design System Management.


Reduced customer support requests for Tourbox by 29%





Over the years, the product has functioned with only minimal development, and any issues have been handled by customer support. As a result, it became a business imperative to investigate ways in which revenue could be recovered by reducing support resources.


A large number of small and established artist managers use Tourbox to upload concert information and add ticket links to their artist profiles. As well as manually uploading listings, Songkick scrapes various APIs to ensure no data points are missing. There are, however, issues that arise as a result of this, such as duplicate ticket links or inaccurate information provided to vendors. As a consequence, artist managers are unable to resolve these issues themselves and must contact Songkick's support team in order to add or delete ticket links, which makes their workflow complicated and time consuming.


Provide artist managers with the option to delete and edit concert listings, in a simple and intuitive manner.

Synthesising user data

How we got there

A range of techniques were used to obtain user insights so we could develop the most impactful work on Tourbox. Setting up Hotjar recordings and gathering GA data points were the first steps. I also used Sean Ellis’ product market fit questions as a quarterly survey to check how users feel about Tourbox. With this we gained very valuable insights into major UX issues. It was a business goal to recover revenue so Tourbox could remain free in the future. Customer support use and user frustration with ticket management made it clear that this was the first step to improving the product.

“You have to do the extra step of contacting customer service so we don’t have multiple ticket links showing.”

Artist manager


Data from the support team revealed 65 update ticket link requests in the first 30 days of 2022 and over 1300 requests to add ticket links. We needed to create a flow that allowed users to see all the ticket links in Tourbox and easily add and delete them as they needed without contacting the support team to speed up their workflow.

Sketches, rapid prototyping and usability testing

Component Library

With the establishment of Roadie, Songkick's design system I could utilise existing patterns to build various components for Tourbox. Moving to react I worked closely with the Engineering team to ensure that components were pixel perfect and reusable across the site.

New UI Components for Tourbox

I created high-fidelity prototypes in Figma and using the large user base we could recruit artist managers to conduct usability tests for our solutions. Part of my method was to include engineers in these sessions so the usability and UX issues were clear. We could work together to solve these problems. Some interesting UI challenges came up during user testing, like how to show more than 4 ticket links in this flow? Using the existing design system I added new components in Figma to test designs and develop them in production.

Key concepts & Testing


Working in an agile framework we were able to productise small releases every 2 weeks to give autonomy to artist managers and their event listings in Tourbox.

As a result of the release of this work, we have reduced the number of customer service requests for deleting or amending ticket links. Songkick was able to reduce its monthly operating costs by $500 as a result of this. In addition, the quarterly Product Market Fit survey indicated a reduction in dissatisfaction among Tourbox users.









Features Roadmap

Additional features scoped out from user insights and researched that was added to the roadmap included:

  • Bulk upload of ticket links

  • Accepting Ticket URL

  • Duplicating events